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Welcome to the new Ink4Less website.
After months of development and customer feedback we are excited to bring to you a whole new shopping experience at We admit this is our first major website overhaul in quite some time, but we have spent that time listening to you our customers and feel you will like the results.
The new Ink4Less website offers multiple new shopping benefits including a personalized account where you can find order history and store address information for one or multiple locations. There is a "quick re-order" feature that expedites your shopping experience so you can quickly place your order and get on with your day. Multiple shipping options are now found at your fingertips in the checkout process and is easy to apply. And if you are a shopper on the go, the website is truly responsive, meaning it is mobile-friendly and you can easily place orders on the go from your smartphone or tablet mobile device. We believe our new search features are industry